Honda Civic ESi Turbo Charged Boost up today. Did some fine tuning on the low end side and boost this hot rod to 0.6 bars for low boost and a 0.75 bars on high boost.
This Boost level is not to the very limits of the engine but we're putting the cap on the amount of boost we're making for this ride and very careful to select the right time to boost this ride up to 0.75 bars of boost. Turbo spool is very much better now as the actuator is now tuner controlled and the low end response is also more torque.
When the Vtec kicks in wih the turbo effect, it can cause the car to wheel spin for a second and then sprint forward. Its not those power sucking wheel spin I'm talking about here, but the skill of the driver to switch gears smoothly and quickly such that the boost drop is almost negligible.
While tuning, I tried to simulate what the owner did when he test drove the car but wasnt able to switch gears and control the car fast enough to achieve the same effect. Anyway, skill aside, this ride pulls a very strong 0.75 bars of boost and when the turbo spools, the 'g' force can be felt. haha, that placed a smile on everyone's face of course.
This ride benifits from the racing clutch that was installed and no lost of power when the turbo spools violently.
Once again, a very nice ride to own, nice idling, no stalling and best of all, a fuel consumption of 480 km per tankful.
Verdict :
Very torquey car to drive, excellent high end power from the TD04 Turbo, good fuel consumption. Strong 0.75 bars of boost.
I think this should make the owner proud as I know that he want to prove this car's worth before selling it off. Yes, another crazy about cars guy.... thats right!