RACE! Xiao Jian vs Lawrence
The much anticipated drag race gathers the minds of the multitude, pitting 2 of our best drag racers together leaving only the engine builders and engineering capabilities lining up at the start line.
Lawrence 2L wrx with stroker kit, well capable of pull 8500 rpm on his custom built subaru wrx, on a turbo famed for showing its prowess at 40 tiang drags. Driver is extremely experience with drags and you can expect calm and jovial emotions when he pits against Xiao Jian. Lawrence comfort level at top speeds gives him higher concentration level and focus which surpasses most amatuer racers. Xiao Jian mets not only a seasoned racer, but one which has a kit which has the infamous ability of putting the bigger horse power rides to shame. 2.0L stroker with lower peak bhp and high revving engine allows the vehicle to switch gears later than his opponent and engages the next gear at a higher than usual rpm, allowing much more bhp and torque in subsequent gears earlier than usual.
Xiao jian has been racing minor leagues after racing with james's tuscani turbo. During which he reported his twin plate carbon clutch is back to normal. He expects the same performace as usual when he drags with Lawrence.
Both car lined up. Launch!
Gear 1, Xiao Jian performs a perfect launch, the clutch held on with gusto pushing the 4 wheel drive to its maximum. RPM swipes rapidly across the face of the dash board, at 7800 rpm, xiao jian pressure to engage gear 2 paramounts as Lawrence continues to rev past 7800, glancing to his side, Xiao Jian observes Lawrence inched forward, in perfectly timed transmission, clutch-in, gear 2, clutch-out, and accelerator control, xiao Jian performs a flawless gear shift.
Lawrence clears gear 2, looking to his side, Xiao Jian is beside his 400 bhp wrx. A tinge of dismay sets in. It did not go as planned for he knew that his advantage of a smaller turbo and high revs has been expended. He hopes for the best with the remaining 30 lamp post to the finishing line
Xiao Jian engages gear 3. The moment he floored, the car bonnet tips up, defying gravity, Sumo turbo attacks the twin plate carbon clutch. As the rpm increases, Xiao Jian's wrx propels forward. Body kit and k-nuts presses the car back down to earth, clears 7500 rpm with urtterly dissappointed Lawrence struggling behind by 4 car length.
Knowing Lawrence is equally fomidable at top speeds, Xiao Jian without hesitation, engages gear 4 with the same effort he did with the lower crucial gears, wasting no time, he allows his Sumo Turbo and subaru engine to do the work of pushing his car to 200 km/h.
The evening came to a close in Xiao Jian's honour. Winning a stroker with 7~8 car length on his 2.5L wrx sure make his engine builder proud, at the same time, it made stroker fans puzzled with a multitude of questions flooding their minds. When I talked to Sam, sam say, "knn lor... he trying to piang my engine izzit...make me boh eng..." When you win, no questions asked. When you lose, lots of questions will flood your mind. Lucky for me, I tuned both cars... kekeke...
I wonder what Lawrence will say to me when I see him next time hahahaha....
Xiao Jian's next big race is brewing... So far, what we know is that this next race is against another ride modified in KL, malaysia... hmm... definately an eye opener for me... lately, xiao jian didnt do anything much to his ride, expect upgrade his radiator or something...I wonder is he will do anything further... If he did, it could be because his confidence level is shaken... maybe... I'll post once I get more information...
Meanwhile, drive safe and coming up next ...
coming soon:
Sam rebuilds 2.0L engine for Subaru TS turbo
Subaru 1.5L turbo charged with Unichip Q
Subaru 2.0 Auto with changing turbo from TD05-18G to something else