Mitsubishi Lancer EX 1.5 Turbo. Well, after reading so much from LMC forum, I have mixed feelings deciding to work on this ride. Melot is a wine that has a strong aroma, full bodies and to some, its a liquid panties remover. Ah Fatt gave me look that I should Melot down and smile. He started to investigate why this ride is stalling after boosting, stalling during normal crusing etc... Finally, he told me its the ECU's problem, asked me to tune this ride.
He knew I was frustrated by the posting, and my reluctance to work. Yet, he proceeded to work on this ride.

Tuning this ride is never simple. So much things to look out for, looking at the dyno chart he shown me which was done by someone else, someone whose fame is far more prestige than mine, his kit was done by someone more famed than me.
My reluctance melot. I have to retune, and rework on this kit!
Sometimes, we get frustrated by the littliest of things, only to realise the ones hurt is not us, but the ones who depended on us. Getting together was easy, staying together requires much more and the simplest of things can break that fragile bond that keeps us together.

Well, I worked on this ride alright. I'm not at all impressed by 30kg torque and 190 wheel horsepower produced. This engine is weak for starters. Gunning this ride and is one sure way of killing it. That fragile line between wacking and controlling oneself is again demostrated on this ride. Yes, those pesky cel lights that stall the car is gone, but, what we have is a monster that unleashes its power, so strong that it hurts.

Power delivery wise is smooth. Looking at Dyno charts requires a little more knowledge than finding that spot on the graph that tells us the horsepower and torque, the chart indeed reveals much more than that.
Working on cars is not all sex and orgasm, sometimes, its restrain, patience and lots of people around who pushes you on for a good cause. Today it was Ah Fatt, yesterday, Avery. The days ahead are filled with people like these who knows the right from wrong, who pushes you to days that we can again watch in our mental projector, watch as the days catches us up. Today, I tuned a Lancer EX 1.5 Turbo charged, boosting high, 30 kg torque and 190 wheel horsepower, its also equipped with Power Express's Exhaust valve. Melancoly feelings fills my mind, I'll be happier soon.... I promise....