sha's Wedding
Saturday ends early as Sharul's getting married and Sam and I were invited to his wedding. I decided to pen it down so that I can easily congratulate him again in the future without forgetting his anniversary :)
I was suppose to fine tune Ronny's Lancer ex that day but the morning was occupied running errands. I rushed down to workshop as soon as I could and Ronny has already left when I reached there. I need to fine tune his low-end as instructed by sam, I explained that 90% of the time was spent resolving the P1241 puzzle and my focus was mostly spent on that. I kind of miss Ronny... but I can guess his gorgeous girlfriend will not like Sam and me taking away their afternoon. I met her before, her voice is very sweet to begin, I heard her voice before when they followed us for tuning and was too shy to say anything. I used to work in a Jap company and one of my ex-colleague who lives in the same area as her also has that sweet gentle voice and equally charming. Not that I am some pervert or something, I wondered if it could be the water in this part of sillypore that produced high quality vegetables? It is rare in sillypore to see another such demure and voice that captivating.
During tuning, my eyes was glued to the laptop. I can tell sam didnt looked her in the eye when we said "bye" and "goodnight" hahaha... Shy la sam... A fear that the captivation will delude our focus and we had difficultly filtering and focusing in tuning Ronny's ride, when she laughed at one of Ronny's lame jokes which we couldnt make out, her laughter was total. My eyes left the laptop but the confines of imaginary boundaries of my front passenger seat kept me sane. Sam on the other-hand reacted differently. He dropped them off a nearby coffeeshop and successfully pursuaded Ronny to have their dinner while we continued tuning. hahaha...
I call this the full-moon effect where man turns into wolfs. hahaha... Hey, fark la, the 2 ding dong below the banana is mass producing alot of C19H28O2 (testosterone). I can't help it, it's not my fault, but I think Sam's ding dong produces much more testosterones than mine... hahaha. His testosterones has overflowed to his brains causing involuntary slurs in his speech and mild shivers as he tries to control his male instincts. hahaha... The moment she alights, Sam howled uncontrollably... no la no la... I exegerated hahaha... The last time I spoke to pretty girls is to one of Sha's friend. She was holding a book from Stephanie Meyers, Eclipes. I broke the rules and we chatted mostly about the book's characters like bella swan and Edward. I've completed Twlight and am half way into New moon at that time while she was already in the third series of Meyer's marvelous creations.
Sharul's lancer GLX turbo is done by Sam and tuned by me. Running on racing clutch and boosting high enough to make all his passengers smile. Sha's wedding is super modern modern la... Oh, its a malay wedding and we felt very very honoured to be invited to a malay wedding. Sam wears long sleeves that day, and I wear my lucky reds.
"Sha asks Sam and Jxxxxx to come up to the stage to say somethings..." shouted the DJ over the PA.... OMG! I hide under the table lor... I wanted to say this, " Saya tak boleh chakap melayu, except Mee rebus, Mee siam and bee hoon soto,..." hahaha... seriously shy lor... we pretended to be someone else... trying very hard not to overcome the stage fright, but not able to... Our skin colour betrays us and someone across the table points at us and I immediately shook my head and pretended to be someone else... hahaha...
The atmosphere is relaxing with cool breezes that evening and has a touch of malay tradition despite having butlers patroling around serving his guest. Someone went up to sing unchain melody that evening... hahaha... I saw one of the chef singing along... when it reach the chorus..." ...stilllll minee......." the chef sends his 2 middle finger up into the sky, trembling as the chef screams with his possessed eyes coiled back and you can imagine his enjoyment... when the chef stopped shaking his head and recovered from his convulsions, saw me and sam giggling at his gustomic anthem .... he smiled while we squirted our eyes back to the marvelous brani in front of us... still giggle while I'm writing this... cb chef... hahaha
Evening was very very joyous... not bad... tuning cars can tune until this kind of stage... making friends as we go along... Truely, friendship requires time to build and day-one friendly can only be love-at-first sight... otherwise fake and business minded. hahaha... gay maybe... hahaha...
once again. Congratulation to Sharul and wife.
coming soon...
Suzuki swift sport Turbo.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Friday, March 27, 2009
Mitsubishi Lancer 1.6 GLX CVT turbo charged
Mitsubishi Lancer 1.6 GLX CVT turbo charged
This is the CVT version which we kind of enjoyed alot... maybe old already, but CVT has some very unique features which if you're able to expliot it, well, it will work for you.
CVT, what that fark is CVT and why did anyone invented such a CB device in the first place? Well, to begin with, the idea of a CVT gearbox is to allow the rpm to stay at a certain point while the gears change progressively. Your rpm basically stays at say 5000 rpm and the gear will change from 1~7 for instance, without the jerks in between transitions, results in a car that is buttery smooth! The CVT technology selects the rpm that generates the maximum torque for gear transition to ensure maximum power is delivered to the wheels when required.
The VF10 turbo that sam selected delivers the power we needed at this rpm. Tuning this ride is simple and straight forward, it didnt take us too long to generate the kind of feeling and power we expect from a CVT lancer. Dinner was interesting...
Geylang according to sam is a land of ever changing landscape. What ever fark that means... he tries to explain that the china girls that comes and goes in this area ensures the landscape shifts all the time, I think he meant the breasts are hills, some are batu phahat, some are bukit timah, rivers? kekeke..., or did he meant that the landscape change as he mold them in his palms? I am trying to refrain from turning this high tech article into another soft porn again, cb.... Dinner was at some china local stall in gelylang, Selling a variety of duck parts which I suspected was scavenged from the rubbish bins somewhere...
Sam stared at the galore of bones and meat and one-by-one, from the second in the queue, he was pushed to the last guy in the queue, it appears that this stall is a mega hit among the mainlanders and the guy selling the duck parts spoke fluent heavily accented mandarain. For once, I felt like a foreigner in sillypore, Then Finally, sam ordered 7 duck feet, 3 duck gizzards, 3 duck hearts, 3 duck tongue, 1 pig's tail which I mistook for pig's dick which made everyone laughed. If duck got balls, this stall would have sold it! I think Male duck is called swan right? Bapok? fark ... Bapok no balls also, that means Male duck is swan.
I was in China for 1 month, sent by my CB company to some place called qingdao, and I kind of learnt the art of enjoying these duck parts people dun normally eat and flush it down with beer. So, evening was filled with a little nonsense, beer and duck parts.
In modifying lancer glx, the rules is to keep it neat and simple. That way, all you get is purely horsepower, maximum amount of reliable torque and excellent fuel consumption. By now, the I've lost count on the number of GLX that we have setup and yes, this turbo kit is extremely ideal for this car.
On the way back, we met one of our kakis... that fella drives a mitsubishi colt, ralliart turbo, dynoed 350 bhp. So, try try lor... kekeke... Sam Rev loudly behind him....haha
Pointing eagerly to the car in front, "remember him?" sam asked smiling... "of course la" I replied squarely. Green ON and both car sprinted forward. Sam immediately filters to the right lane and attempts to shoot past the Colt. Now, the most irritating thing that can happen is, Sam DID NOT step all the way! OMG... we lost by 3 car length... CB! All that happened in our ride is the rpm stayed obediently at 5000 rpm while the turbo spools continuoesly from 0~150 km/h, during which the boost remains consistently at 0.x bars. I farked sam for not flooring all the way... then he said he scared.... this is not highway... pussy. Anyway... When we wind down the window, colt version R driver looked at us with a funny look... upon reconising us, hahaha... his expressions totally changed... hahaha...
Yes, 350bhp won CVT by 3 car lengths... probably, version R is on low boost? maybe? whatever the case, CVT's major advantage is that no time is lost in gearings.
Ride is setup with VF10 turbo, unichip Q tuned, boost controller, HKS SSQV bov, Open pod filter, custom exhaust manifold and all necessary pipings and silicon joints. Overall, I enjoyed myself very much this evening, no complications, nothing out of the blue. Total fun.
This is the CVT version which we kind of enjoyed alot... maybe old already, but CVT has some very unique features which if you're able to expliot it, well, it will work for you.
CVT, what that fark is CVT and why did anyone invented such a CB device in the first place? Well, to begin with, the idea of a CVT gearbox is to allow the rpm to stay at a certain point while the gears change progressively. Your rpm basically stays at say 5000 rpm and the gear will change from 1~7 for instance, without the jerks in between transitions, results in a car that is buttery smooth! The CVT technology selects the rpm that generates the maximum torque for gear transition to ensure maximum power is delivered to the wheels when required.
The VF10 turbo that sam selected delivers the power we needed at this rpm. Tuning this ride is simple and straight forward, it didnt take us too long to generate the kind of feeling and power we expect from a CVT lancer. Dinner was interesting...
Geylang according to sam is a land of ever changing landscape. What ever fark that means... he tries to explain that the china girls that comes and goes in this area ensures the landscape shifts all the time, I think he meant the breasts are hills, some are batu phahat, some are bukit timah, rivers? kekeke..., or did he meant that the landscape change as he mold them in his palms? I am trying to refrain from turning this high tech article into another soft porn again, cb.... Dinner was at some china local stall in gelylang, Selling a variety of duck parts which I suspected was scavenged from the rubbish bins somewhere...
Sam stared at the galore of bones and meat and one-by-one, from the second in the queue, he was pushed to the last guy in the queue, it appears that this stall is a mega hit among the mainlanders and the guy selling the duck parts spoke fluent heavily accented mandarain. For once, I felt like a foreigner in sillypore, Then Finally, sam ordered 7 duck feet, 3 duck gizzards, 3 duck hearts, 3 duck tongue, 1 pig's tail which I mistook for pig's dick which made everyone laughed. If duck got balls, this stall would have sold it! I think Male duck is called swan right? Bapok? fark ... Bapok no balls also, that means Male duck is swan.
I was in China for 1 month, sent by my CB company to some place called qingdao, and I kind of learnt the art of enjoying these duck parts people dun normally eat and flush it down with beer. So, evening was filled with a little nonsense, beer and duck parts.
In modifying lancer glx, the rules is to keep it neat and simple. That way, all you get is purely horsepower, maximum amount of reliable torque and excellent fuel consumption. By now, the I've lost count on the number of GLX that we have setup and yes, this turbo kit is extremely ideal for this car.
On the way back, we met one of our kakis... that fella drives a mitsubishi colt, ralliart turbo, dynoed 350 bhp. So, try try lor... kekeke... Sam Rev loudly behind him....haha
Pointing eagerly to the car in front, "remember him?" sam asked smiling... "of course la" I replied squarely. Green ON and both car sprinted forward. Sam immediately filters to the right lane and attempts to shoot past the Colt. Now, the most irritating thing that can happen is, Sam DID NOT step all the way! OMG... we lost by 3 car length... CB! All that happened in our ride is the rpm stayed obediently at 5000 rpm while the turbo spools continuoesly from 0~150 km/h, during which the boost remains consistently at 0.x bars. I farked sam for not flooring all the way... then he said he scared.... this is not highway... pussy. Anyway... When we wind down the window, colt version R driver looked at us with a funny look... upon reconising us, hahaha... his expressions totally changed... hahaha...
Yes, 350bhp won CVT by 3 car lengths... probably, version R is on low boost? maybe? whatever the case, CVT's major advantage is that no time is lost in gearings.
Ride is setup with VF10 turbo, unichip Q tuned, boost controller, HKS SSQV bov, Open pod filter, custom exhaust manifold and all necessary pipings and silicon joints. Overall, I enjoyed myself very much this evening, no complications, nothing out of the blue. Total fun.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Kelvin's letter
Kelvin's letter
Kelvin left me a feedback... usually, I would just consolidate and probably answer some of it here and there... but, the way Kelvin wrote it, its like flies attracted to light, just couldnt resist the need to write something...
But, rules are rules. I'm not farking Bush with his anti-regulatory policies that screwed up 80% of the world's economy with his pet Greenspan, leaving shit behind for poor benarke to flush. Fark Bush. hahaha... Let try to keep hardware debates elsewhere agree?
What about tuning articles. Well, for one, tuning article which can be reliably depended upon are, a series of mathematical calculations that tells you the basic requirements for a specific engine. Similar to economic instruments. Tuning involves not just keying in numeric figures, those number should represent your wealth of knowledge before you start punching in those numbers.
Now, before anyone starts to dose off... hahaha... I've learnt over the years that the real stuff bore people and seem to make me look nerdish then usual, and people simply listened because they felt pai seh to ask me to sha-dap...
So, I decided to use Dr Sam's cheapskate method of decribing tuning and for most part of it, I must admit that it degrades the prestigous tag that comes with a tuner. So, allow me to degrade my theories by using some of Sam's layman terms.
Tuning is like cooking fried rice. Thats a disgusting way of describing things but, it will do for now...
Now. The number 1 question people ask....
What the fark is an intercooler?
Go to bell intercoolers and read up
specifically read Is some intercooling better than no intercooling?
Price? Range from 800 to 1600... you can tally this with the web since parts make up the costs component in running any sort of businesses. That cost is borne by the customer thats business. If you have never heard of water cooled intercooler, then I suggest you read more... :)
Question 2.
Emanage ultimate Vs Unichip Q
hahaha... you really wanna know? kekeke... can... Lets discuss this over dinner at Ben's Uncle Leong's restaurant. I tell you... the butter crabs at uncle leong restaurant, ai yoh... the meat is cooked juuuust nice. Tender and juicy. The moment you sink your vampire fangs sinks into the meat, the buttery taste of fresh live sri lankan crabs starts to ooze out, chewing the meat slowly and suck in the succelents unto your palates, the tangy taste triggers a sensation similar to orgasm, your nerves starts to relax and the day's fatigue dissolves along with the saucy into traces. Ladle up some of the sauce, the sauce inter-twines, melts and cover every grain of rice before it enters your mouth. OMG! Feeling is priceless...
Price wise, we had I think 3 or 4 giant sri lankan crabs, sweet sour pork ribs, fried ommelette and some vege... price is around 120 bucks or so... Ai yoh... eat until we drop lor... that day, only 3 of us where there... hahaha... SHIOK la! Remember the crab eggs that the chef placed seperately on another plate, hoi! Farking good lor... hahaha... Ok... here's the deal, you solve my P1241 cel code puzzle, I treat you to Uncle leong. You wanna know which ecu is better from a tuner's point of view... your treat! hahaha... I eat... you listen type of course... hahaha...
Question 3
Why did sam put this and why he did that...
Now... thats a tough question... Since most of my conversation with him revolves around dirty jokes... hahaha... I remember the day I accompanied him to see doctor... hahaha... he stood at the counter registering. Then, the doctor came out of the room, shook his hands and invited him in for consultation. I was standing outside the clinic looking in, surprised... Aiyoh, you should have seen his posture lor... standing on 2 legs for once, straight backed, and walks with his nose higher than Mahatiar's twin peaks! I think he sense people looking at him and people are wondering how come this sloppy oil stained guy get preferential treatment. hahaha...
The counter girl said, Dr xxx instructed me to charge you Free of charge for consultation. Really CB lor... hahaha... the counter girl smile until her lips almost touch each other behind her head, not before passing behind the ears lobs... wah lan eh... Dr sam? "NO!! cANNOT!!" counter girl's mouth took the shape of the letter 'O', then smiled again... wah lan eh.... Sam told the counter girl "Must Pay!!" hahaha... Counter girl starts to panic a little, afraid of offending Boss's friend and also afraid of annoying Boss, coz, Boss told her not to charge engine oil stained Sam. Her smile starts to waver a little, and reluctantly took sam's payment.... poor counter girl, do this also kenna pluck, do that also kenna pluck, WTF! Like my job like that... Boss say this, then user say that... wah lan... I also pretend to smile smile... ai yoh... damn headache la...
Why did Sam do this? hmm... I got no farking clue... hahaha... but recalling the way people looked at him up and down, wondering... BTW, Sam didn't modify that Doctor's car, if you suspect that... Anyway... its can be interesting to see what is in Sam's brain, of course, syphoning the porno that clutters his mind will quicken your research by far.
Track day is around the corner, so, trackies and newbies to tracks, please call up sam for details... Also, Lancer Ex 1.5 running on emanage Ultimate, sam lost your phone number, he asks if you have the time for FOC fine tuning, please give him a call...
Kelvin left me a feedback... usually, I would just consolidate and probably answer some of it here and there... but, the way Kelvin wrote it, its like flies attracted to light, just couldnt resist the need to write something...
But, rules are rules. I'm not farking Bush with his anti-regulatory policies that screwed up 80% of the world's economy with his pet Greenspan, leaving shit behind for poor benarke to flush. Fark Bush. hahaha... Let try to keep hardware debates elsewhere agree?
What about tuning articles. Well, for one, tuning article which can be reliably depended upon are, a series of mathematical calculations that tells you the basic requirements for a specific engine. Similar to economic instruments. Tuning involves not just keying in numeric figures, those number should represent your wealth of knowledge before you start punching in those numbers.
Now, before anyone starts to dose off... hahaha... I've learnt over the years that the real stuff bore people and seem to make me look nerdish then usual, and people simply listened because they felt pai seh to ask me to sha-dap...
So, I decided to use Dr Sam's cheapskate method of decribing tuning and for most part of it, I must admit that it degrades the prestigous tag that comes with a tuner. So, allow me to degrade my theories by using some of Sam's layman terms.
Tuning is like cooking fried rice. Thats a disgusting way of describing things but, it will do for now...
Now. The number 1 question people ask....
What the fark is an intercooler?
Go to bell intercoolers and read up
specifically read Is some intercooling better than no intercooling?
Price? Range from 800 to 1600... you can tally this with the web since parts make up the costs component in running any sort of businesses. That cost is borne by the customer thats business. If you have never heard of water cooled intercooler, then I suggest you read more... :)
Question 2.
Emanage ultimate Vs Unichip Q
hahaha... you really wanna know? kekeke... can... Lets discuss this over dinner at Ben's Uncle Leong's restaurant. I tell you... the butter crabs at uncle leong restaurant, ai yoh... the meat is cooked juuuust nice. Tender and juicy. The moment you sink your vampire fangs sinks into the meat, the buttery taste of fresh live sri lankan crabs starts to ooze out, chewing the meat slowly and suck in the succelents unto your palates, the tangy taste triggers a sensation similar to orgasm, your nerves starts to relax and the day's fatigue dissolves along with the saucy into traces. Ladle up some of the sauce, the sauce inter-twines, melts and cover every grain of rice before it enters your mouth. OMG! Feeling is priceless...
Price wise, we had I think 3 or 4 giant sri lankan crabs, sweet sour pork ribs, fried ommelette and some vege... price is around 120 bucks or so... Ai yoh... eat until we drop lor... that day, only 3 of us where there... hahaha... SHIOK la! Remember the crab eggs that the chef placed seperately on another plate, hoi! Farking good lor... hahaha... Ok... here's the deal, you solve my P1241 cel code puzzle, I treat you to Uncle leong. You wanna know which ecu is better from a tuner's point of view... your treat! hahaha... I eat... you listen type of course... hahaha...
Question 3
Why did sam put this and why he did that...
Now... thats a tough question... Since most of my conversation with him revolves around dirty jokes... hahaha... I remember the day I accompanied him to see doctor... hahaha... he stood at the counter registering. Then, the doctor came out of the room, shook his hands and invited him in for consultation. I was standing outside the clinic looking in, surprised... Aiyoh, you should have seen his posture lor... standing on 2 legs for once, straight backed, and walks with his nose higher than Mahatiar's twin peaks! I think he sense people looking at him and people are wondering how come this sloppy oil stained guy get preferential treatment. hahaha...
The counter girl said, Dr xxx instructed me to charge you Free of charge for consultation. Really CB lor... hahaha... the counter girl smile until her lips almost touch each other behind her head, not before passing behind the ears lobs... wah lan eh... Dr sam? "NO!! cANNOT!!" counter girl's mouth took the shape of the letter 'O', then smiled again... wah lan eh.... Sam told the counter girl "Must Pay!!" hahaha... Counter girl starts to panic a little, afraid of offending Boss's friend and also afraid of annoying Boss, coz, Boss told her not to charge engine oil stained Sam. Her smile starts to waver a little, and reluctantly took sam's payment.... poor counter girl, do this also kenna pluck, do that also kenna pluck, WTF! Like my job like that... Boss say this, then user say that... wah lan... I also pretend to smile smile... ai yoh... damn headache la...
Why did Sam do this? hmm... I got no farking clue... hahaha... but recalling the way people looked at him up and down, wondering... BTW, Sam didn't modify that Doctor's car, if you suspect that... Anyway... its can be interesting to see what is in Sam's brain, of course, syphoning the porno that clutters his mind will quicken your research by far.
Track day is around the corner, so, trackies and newbies to tracks, please call up sam for details... Also, Lancer Ex 1.5 running on emanage Ultimate, sam lost your phone number, he asks if you have the time for FOC fine tuning, please give him a call...
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
This old man
This old man
wow, now my google rating back to normal standards, google kan the CB spiderman kar ching already, now my rating is back to normal, knn ang moh kao minimart also wanna touch my humble blog... in my last post, I ended with "cong jut sega lunga pani"...
for Dr sam's benefit, he farking no clue what I was trying to tell him... he kept telling me he got 101 engineering terms to show-off to me and he nobely refused. hahaha... he say must say in layman terms... so, ok.. layman terms.
Potemkin came from Potemkin theory and also Giogori potemkin a Chief ministar in 1787 to the empress Catherine of Russia. That ministar will stay 1 day ahead of the empress and set up props to hid the deteorating villages behind the props. So, in todays context, ang mo kao call this Lemon car. Or cars that looks farking fierce, but in actual fact, is shit.
Yesterday, there is one Ah Pek at sam's workshop, telling he drained off the engine oil in his car to prove that car can run without engine oil. That old man have been bothering sam the whole day and asked him to install unichip in his Vios. KNN, when I reached there, I realised that the idoit old man actually told sam to advance his ignition by 60 degrees. Where got people like that one? hahaha.... If you don't do it, he will kan your backside! When I reached there... I "Wah lan eh!" white smoke, black smoke and cigeratte smoke all shooting out from the exhaust pipe... the Old man still say "normal mah..." I hid at the corner laughing la... where got people like that one...
Farking Old man saw me laughing away... he walked over to me... OMG! ... siao liao... he started to ask me stupid questions... then sam whispered to me "...Lucky you came..." CB lor, trying hard to smile at the old man, ...its my turn to kenna grinding session by the CB ah pek. He even show me his radiator water colour,... then told me he only add normal water, no coolant... and damn proud his radiator water turn brownish colour... he insisted it is pink colour... wah lan eh...
I really don't know what has nature done to this old man. So much as to make him open the radiator's cap without a second thought. Dr Sam " Oui!!" Jumps out of the way... and shouted "Siao ah! Tired of living already ah?" ... hahaha... farking old man.
I also ran away.... cb old man....
Old man bought sam dinner or something... When the old man noticed sam didnt finish his food... He puts down his spoon, opens sam's styrofoam box and check! You should have seen Sam's face, sam glanced sheepishly at the old man... hahaha... "You vegetarian uh?" old man shouted at sam.... "err... can't finish leh" sam replied. The old man face is totally crumpled, I think he wanna eat up the leftover or something... omg! Eh, his face damn fierce lor... growling deeply and staring at the leftover food... hahaha... "grrr..." kekekek... I felt like kicking his balls lor... hahaha
Today, my colleague told me a story about his friend who works at a local bank... one evening, when no one's around... the petite girl sitting across the room walked over to ask some lame question about nothing... Then the CB Ah neh, started some lame conversation and ended up stroking the hands of the petite girl. According to my friend, the petite girl became arouse for some reasons... the Ah neh held the girl's hand and brought her to some meeting room, locked the doors behind and had a, you know... local bang bank. He then started to describe to me how nice the tits were and stuff,... ai yoh..., I tell you hard hard man... hahaha... you dunno what hard hard means.... its ok. I won't blame you. Its just nature way of expressing itself when things just happen to happen... and it does happen.... hahaha...
Those running on Unichip Q, Destek has released a firmware update so please, come back for updating... thks.
we dynoed our suzuki swift sport turbo... 186 bhp
Kevin's YRV turbo won Suzuki ignis sport at 6 car length ( because CB kevin's car is damn short, relak relak la brudder hahahaha )
Ben's WRX auto win Evo 10
Jia Xiong Lancer 1.5 Ex Turbo fine tuned for better low end power
coming soon:
Mitsubishi Lancer GLX Turbo charged
Suzuki swift sport turbo charged
wow, now my google rating back to normal standards, google kan the CB spiderman kar ching already, now my rating is back to normal, knn ang moh kao minimart also wanna touch my humble blog... in my last post, I ended with "cong jut sega lunga pani"...
for Dr sam's benefit, he farking no clue what I was trying to tell him... he kept telling me he got 101 engineering terms to show-off to me and he nobely refused. hahaha... he say must say in layman terms... so, ok.. layman terms.
Potemkin came from Potemkin theory and also Giogori potemkin a Chief ministar in 1787 to the empress Catherine of Russia. That ministar will stay 1 day ahead of the empress and set up props to hid the deteorating villages behind the props. So, in todays context, ang mo kao call this Lemon car. Or cars that looks farking fierce, but in actual fact, is shit.
Yesterday, there is one Ah Pek at sam's workshop, telling he drained off the engine oil in his car to prove that car can run without engine oil. That old man have been bothering sam the whole day and asked him to install unichip in his Vios. KNN, when I reached there, I realised that the idoit old man actually told sam to advance his ignition by 60 degrees. Where got people like that one? hahaha.... If you don't do it, he will kan your backside! When I reached there... I "Wah lan eh!" white smoke, black smoke and cigeratte smoke all shooting out from the exhaust pipe... the Old man still say "normal mah..." I hid at the corner laughing la... where got people like that one...
Farking Old man saw me laughing away... he walked over to me... OMG! ... siao liao... he started to ask me stupid questions... then sam whispered to me "...Lucky you came..." CB lor, trying hard to smile at the old man, ...its my turn to kenna grinding session by the CB ah pek. He even show me his radiator water colour,... then told me he only add normal water, no coolant... and damn proud his radiator water turn brownish colour... he insisted it is pink colour... wah lan eh...
I really don't know what has nature done to this old man. So much as to make him open the radiator's cap without a second thought. Dr Sam " Oui!!" Jumps out of the way... and shouted "Siao ah! Tired of living already ah?" ... hahaha... farking old man.
I also ran away.... cb old man....
Old man bought sam dinner or something... When the old man noticed sam didnt finish his food... He puts down his spoon, opens sam's styrofoam box and check! You should have seen Sam's face, sam glanced sheepishly at the old man... hahaha... "You vegetarian uh?" old man shouted at sam.... "err... can't finish leh" sam replied. The old man face is totally crumpled, I think he wanna eat up the leftover or something... omg! Eh, his face damn fierce lor... growling deeply and staring at the leftover food... hahaha... "grrr..." kekekek... I felt like kicking his balls lor... hahaha
Today, my colleague told me a story about his friend who works at a local bank... one evening, when no one's around... the petite girl sitting across the room walked over to ask some lame question about nothing... Then the CB Ah neh, started some lame conversation and ended up stroking the hands of the petite girl. According to my friend, the petite girl became arouse for some reasons... the Ah neh held the girl's hand and brought her to some meeting room, locked the doors behind and had a, you know... local bang bank. He then started to describe to me how nice the tits were and stuff,... ai yoh..., I tell you hard hard man... hahaha... you dunno what hard hard means.... its ok. I won't blame you. Its just nature way of expressing itself when things just happen to happen... and it does happen.... hahaha...
Those running on Unichip Q, Destek has released a firmware update so please, come back for updating... thks.
we dynoed our suzuki swift sport turbo... 186 bhp
Kevin's YRV turbo won Suzuki ignis sport at 6 car length ( because CB kevin's car is damn short, relak relak la brudder hahahaha )
Ben's WRX auto win Evo 10
Jia Xiong Lancer 1.5 Ex Turbo fine tuned for better low end power
coming soon:
Mitsubishi Lancer GLX Turbo charged
Suzuki swift sport turbo charged
Monday, March 23, 2009
Mitsubishi lancer 1.6 GLX turbo
Mitsubishi lancer 1.6 GLX turbo
Just imagine, 4.6 final drive on a 1.2 ton car... the results? Extreme torque. If you turbo charge this torque monster? kekeke... Super extreme torque monster.
You know, its funny sometimes... Last saturday, I fixed up Jia xiong's P1241 cel codes in his lancer 1.5 ex. Then I noticed kenna spammed... coz, it seemed to generate so much attention on google search engine, some donkey web master CB spiderman highjacked my google rating and turn it into some kind of Ang moh kao minimart for spare parts... CB... lucky their Ang Moh kao website got no CB and KNN... so, not so bad... I asked google to Kan their kar ching already... but also means my rating also kenna bang backside... hiaz...
Jia Xong came over with his GF... wow... you wanna see Sam shy shy... you should have seen Dr Sam's shy shy face when he see pretty girls... Normally, he dun care one... He enjoys disecting people's expressions and enjoy every single bit of flesh he can lay his chee ko pek eyes on... but, last saturday, his eyes seem to be able to skirt the outlines of forbidden boundaries, he confined his eyes to the boundaries of the engine bay and spoke softer than usual... hahaha... damn funny... rarely would you have the chance to see him shy around pretty girls... hahaha... damn funny.
Back to lancer glx... Owner have walk through the entire process of NA modification. Short of swapping engine, he now tries turbo charging his ride. This turbo kit comes with boost controller, HKS filter, TD04 turbo, big big injectors, walboro fuel pumps, converted from Auto to manual transmission, lighten flywheel, Exedy racing clutch and these are just what I can remember for now,... there are more infact and for now, this is what I can recall.
Owner is a person who knows his stuff well. He not only knows why his car is stalling, he also knows the limitation of all his components. He approaches his theories with an open mind and am 100% sure of his stuff. As we discuss about car components, it seems to me that he already knows what I was saying, and agrees only to pacify. Today, he is only interested in more power.
Anyway... lancer GLX turbo is simple and straight forward. Zero complexity and turbo charging it is the easiest modification to gain reliable horsepower.
Final drive 4.6 on 1.2 ton car increases low end torque tremendously, to a certain extent, if it allows you to win the race, its the one for you. Personal Preference.
All controlled using Emanage blue.
Personal preference you asked? well, for instance, Sam doesnt like 4.6 final drive as it would make it feel like his EG9. For me, I like it, as it lessen the engine stress level and I'm using a 4.44 final drive, with 400 nm at 0.9 bars of boost... cool huh? Yes. For sam, he prefers higher engine loading, longer gearing, then pulling out of corners will be smoothly executed and stuff... thats why I say, if you win a race with 4.6 final drive, then stick to it. Next weekend, we are hitting the pasir gudang for a relaxing weekend...
coming soon:
Mitsubishi 1.6 GLX turbo charged
Suzuki swift sport turbo charged
Just imagine, 4.6 final drive on a 1.2 ton car... the results? Extreme torque. If you turbo charge this torque monster? kekeke... Super extreme torque monster.
You know, its funny sometimes... Last saturday, I fixed up Jia xiong's P1241 cel codes in his lancer 1.5 ex. Then I noticed kenna spammed... coz, it seemed to generate so much attention on google search engine, some donkey web master CB spiderman highjacked my google rating and turn it into some kind of Ang moh kao minimart for spare parts... CB... lucky their Ang Moh kao website got no CB and KNN... so, not so bad... I asked google to Kan their kar ching already... but also means my rating also kenna bang backside... hiaz...
Jia Xong came over with his GF... wow... you wanna see Sam shy shy... you should have seen Dr Sam's shy shy face when he see pretty girls... Normally, he dun care one... He enjoys disecting people's expressions and enjoy every single bit of flesh he can lay his chee ko pek eyes on... but, last saturday, his eyes seem to be able to skirt the outlines of forbidden boundaries, he confined his eyes to the boundaries of the engine bay and spoke softer than usual... hahaha... damn funny... rarely would you have the chance to see him shy around pretty girls... hahaha... damn funny.
Back to lancer glx... Owner have walk through the entire process of NA modification. Short of swapping engine, he now tries turbo charging his ride. This turbo kit comes with boost controller, HKS filter, TD04 turbo, big big injectors, walboro fuel pumps, converted from Auto to manual transmission, lighten flywheel, Exedy racing clutch and these are just what I can remember for now,... there are more infact and for now, this is what I can recall.
Owner is a person who knows his stuff well. He not only knows why his car is stalling, he also knows the limitation of all his components. He approaches his theories with an open mind and am 100% sure of his stuff. As we discuss about car components, it seems to me that he already knows what I was saying, and agrees only to pacify. Today, he is only interested in more power.
Anyway... lancer GLX turbo is simple and straight forward. Zero complexity and turbo charging it is the easiest modification to gain reliable horsepower.
Final drive 4.6 on 1.2 ton car increases low end torque tremendously, to a certain extent, if it allows you to win the race, its the one for you. Personal Preference.
All controlled using Emanage blue.
Personal preference you asked? well, for instance, Sam doesnt like 4.6 final drive as it would make it feel like his EG9. For me, I like it, as it lessen the engine stress level and I'm using a 4.44 final drive, with 400 nm at 0.9 bars of boost... cool huh? Yes. For sam, he prefers higher engine loading, longer gearing, then pulling out of corners will be smoothly executed and stuff... thats why I say, if you win a race with 4.6 final drive, then stick to it. Next weekend, we are hitting the pasir gudang for a relaxing weekend...
coming soon:
Mitsubishi 1.6 GLX turbo charged
Suzuki swift sport turbo charged
Friday, March 20, 2009
Confusing Hardware
Confusing Hardware
Lets start the confusion by a calm recitation of a Hindi Poem:
Jut Jut nakana
Jut na maharani
aga Jut na Hoto
Cong jut sega lunkar pani
Jut means CB or virgina...
So,... allow me to translate the poets sculpt to fellow netizens for the benefit of our hindi gundos...
Virgina! To virgina you pray
Virgina is princess
If! Virgina is not around
who virgina will suck my penis water
the "who" is intentional and definately not an indication of my poor command of english. In case Dr Sam is reading this and scrutinize me the moment he gets the chance to do so...
I've been asked so many times to explain of hardware like intercooler, turbos, boost level and so on in relation to power, in relation to engine lifespan blah blah...
I discipline myself to refrain from devulging too much into hardware mechanics. Sun Tze tells us that if your opponent is strong, you should appear weak, thereby, you invite an attack and you may be innocent and victorious. If you understand what I am trying to say. Good! I won't bore you further. :)
If you aspire to be an engineer like sam. You must be crazy. I advise you try google and read as much as you can. The purpose of each components. A good article I can recommend is from NGK's website. Do a search and read on what they say about their plugs, not asking you to buy it of course... and also not saying its the best. Now, I advise you read it as an independent article, without relation to other component whatsoever. Then, verify the aricle with sam. hahaha... Gaining knowledge on individual component, then proceed to integrate the articles the best way you can. Then call sam... hahaha...
Bored already? hahaha... In each setup, the ingredients you use is different. Customers who listens to Dr sam's sermons religously are equally crazy I must say... and in time, you will gain the knowledge of his for your car, good enough to achieve your desired results. The problem? Well, allow me...
Sam: "What the fark you did to your car?"
Tom: "nothing... leh but car keep pinging(detonation) now"
Sam picks up his phone...
Sam: "hello, j_tune?"
me : "hey boss"
Sam: "Eh, the car is pinging leh..."
me : "Which one?"...blah blah blah...
Sam: "Did you change your spark plugs somewhere recently?
Tom: "Errr......" blah blah blah...
You see, a simple spark plug can trigger so much talk... hahaha... And, I bet the owner is thinking about intercooler... hahaha... anyway, you have no choice but to understand every component in the engine in order to be effective in your troubleshooting. Knowing each component and its effects will not only save time, it also avoids the downward spirial modifications where the owner ends up changing everything including the engine internals.
Now, before this article turns our blog into floods of potemkin theories, spark plugs may and may not be the cause, it depends heavily on your car's setup. The term "Car setup" is Sam's way of avoiding the need to describe every single theory and turn his 1 hour sermons into a 3 days seminar.
Intercooler is by far the most talked about hardware. Its theories are endless, along with deputed claims and their potemkin theories.
In conclusion, in your pursuit for knowledge, the confusion always arise when you attempt to integrate what you have learnt to the bigger picture of a car's setup. Only first hand experience and accurate dianostics can confirm that theory. For instance, you upgrade from a smaller intercooler to a bigger one. And then later reduce it to a smaller one. Now, with 3 intercoolers and 3 dyno figures, with all else constant, including tuning, what is the results on all sensors and changes on the dyno chart. Being able to interpret the dyno chart itself is a skill of an abled tuner. Or, rarely, which I have seen before, by a knowledgable owner who spends most of his time hanging around dyno machines watching people come and go.
In the end, my objective is simple, a car that is smooth as factory just more power and torque. Not too much to ask for I guess.... hahaha... Once again, I avoided the temptation to vandalise the blog with jargons, potemkin theories and hardware mechs.
Cong Jut sega lunkar pani.....
see you soon...
Coming soon:
Mitsubishi 1.6 GLX turbo.
Mitsubishi 1.5 Ex turbo.
Lets start the confusion by a calm recitation of a Hindi Poem:
Jut Jut nakana
Jut na maharani
aga Jut na Hoto
Cong jut sega lunkar pani
Jut means CB or virgina...
So,... allow me to translate the poets sculpt to fellow netizens for the benefit of our hindi gundos...
Virgina! To virgina you pray
Virgina is princess
If! Virgina is not around
who virgina will suck my penis water
the "who" is intentional and definately not an indication of my poor command of english. In case Dr Sam is reading this and scrutinize me the moment he gets the chance to do so...
I've been asked so many times to explain of hardware like intercooler, turbos, boost level and so on in relation to power, in relation to engine lifespan blah blah...
I discipline myself to refrain from devulging too much into hardware mechanics. Sun Tze tells us that if your opponent is strong, you should appear weak, thereby, you invite an attack and you may be innocent and victorious. If you understand what I am trying to say. Good! I won't bore you further. :)
If you aspire to be an engineer like sam. You must be crazy. I advise you try google and read as much as you can. The purpose of each components. A good article I can recommend is from NGK's website. Do a search and read on what they say about their plugs, not asking you to buy it of course... and also not saying its the best. Now, I advise you read it as an independent article, without relation to other component whatsoever. Then, verify the aricle with sam. hahaha... Gaining knowledge on individual component, then proceed to integrate the articles the best way you can. Then call sam... hahaha...
Bored already? hahaha... In each setup, the ingredients you use is different. Customers who listens to Dr sam's sermons religously are equally crazy I must say... and in time, you will gain the knowledge of his for your car, good enough to achieve your desired results. The problem? Well, allow me...
Sam: "What the fark you did to your car?"
Tom: "nothing... leh but car keep pinging(detonation) now"
Sam picks up his phone...
Sam: "hello, j_tune?"
me : "hey boss"
Sam: "Eh, the car is pinging leh..."
me : "Which one?"...blah blah blah...
Sam: "Did you change your spark plugs somewhere recently?
Tom: "Errr......" blah blah blah...
You see, a simple spark plug can trigger so much talk... hahaha... And, I bet the owner is thinking about intercooler... hahaha... anyway, you have no choice but to understand every component in the engine in order to be effective in your troubleshooting. Knowing each component and its effects will not only save time, it also avoids the downward spirial modifications where the owner ends up changing everything including the engine internals.
Now, before this article turns our blog into floods of potemkin theories, spark plugs may and may not be the cause, it depends heavily on your car's setup. The term "Car setup" is Sam's way of avoiding the need to describe every single theory and turn his 1 hour sermons into a 3 days seminar.
Intercooler is by far the most talked about hardware. Its theories are endless, along with deputed claims and their potemkin theories.
In conclusion, in your pursuit for knowledge, the confusion always arise when you attempt to integrate what you have learnt to the bigger picture of a car's setup. Only first hand experience and accurate dianostics can confirm that theory. For instance, you upgrade from a smaller intercooler to a bigger one. And then later reduce it to a smaller one. Now, with 3 intercoolers and 3 dyno figures, with all else constant, including tuning, what is the results on all sensors and changes on the dyno chart. Being able to interpret the dyno chart itself is a skill of an abled tuner. Or, rarely, which I have seen before, by a knowledgable owner who spends most of his time hanging around dyno machines watching people come and go.
In the end, my objective is simple, a car that is smooth as factory just more power and torque. Not too much to ask for I guess.... hahaha... Once again, I avoided the temptation to vandalise the blog with jargons, potemkin theories and hardware mechs.
Cong Jut sega lunkar pani.....
see you soon...
Coming soon:
Mitsubishi 1.6 GLX turbo.
Mitsubishi 1.5 Ex turbo.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Ronny's Mitsubishi Lancer 1.5 Ex turbo
Ronny's Mitsubishi Lancer 1.5 Ex turbo
To begin with, the Evo 10 and this particular Ex model is extremely difficult to tune. Jia xiong's the second to turbo charged his lancer Ex and Ronny's the third in sillypore.
P1241, P1234, P1235 cel codes. At times, P1233... If this rings a bell, you have most likely already modified your Mitsubishi. Either it is a HKS SSQV, vent to atmosphere BOV, or you have likely installed an aftermarket ECU like Unichip or Emanage ultimate in your ride. This irritating phenomenon is prevalent in the latest Mitsu models, particularly in the lancer Ex and the Evo 10 models.
A glance at these 2 models, we have one of the latest stock ecu in the market. Running on CAN-bus protocol, which means your ecu communicates with the sensors in your car at 500 k/bps and have a processor which is so damn powerful. If you compare this ECU to other car models like Lancer GLX or subaru 1.6 TS, those are running on 16 bits. Subaru 05 STI, 32 bit. With the increase in processing power, it can now control the car with the multitude of sensors and also control the latest version of the Drive-by-wire system. With this in mind, I now introduce a turbo into the car, what happens next is that all these freaking cel codes starts lighting up like x'mas tree... farking hell...
Probably due to economic slow down globally, Mitsubishi now installs the latest technologies available previously in high end makes into its latest range of cars. With Mivec, drive-by-wire, and stuff... they even make the ECU trigger seat belt warning beeps from the in-car stereo speakers! Even your farking 'ding' sound, which you hear in commercial air planes can be produced from the Lancer Ex!! OMG!
To a tuner, this is hell!! By now, all these P1234, P1241 and stuff... CB lor... Finally got it SOLVED!
P1241... try searching the internet. If you can find a solution, dinner on me. If you can find the meaning of this fault code and how it is triggered, 10x dinner on me... CB lor... It is so damn bad, cocky car doctor Sam sat down with me on the third day tuning this ride 'discussing' passionately about how the fault codes are triggered. Now, with day 1 tuning till 5am, day 2 tuning till 3am, day 3 till 2am ! I love 2am. I always solve it at 2 am! hahaha
Sam kept telling me how these fault codes are triggered. Bombarding me with this old man theories... omg! I can tell from his face when I told him, " If you wanna stick to your old school theories, I got nothing to say!" hahaha... he was a little pissed off hahaha... coz, he always considers himself as king of the durian cb hill, hey, talking to an Engineer from sillypore poly with donkey years of experience, hahaha... not easy.
Our next Lancer GLX turbo owner saw us 'discussing' hahaha... I can tell he is wondering how come these 2 are talking like dat... hahaha... Finally, I asked sam "OKOK! I am very tired already... Solution? Yours or mine?" ... hahaha... he say try mine. "CB lor..."
Tuning the Lancer Ex. I have had a head start. Jia Xiong has been feeding me information on how to trigger the fault codes. I am eternally grateful to him. Much more for fueling my passion for tuning, in time, I will repay his help. Ronny is equally patient lor... Ronny is a handsome chap... If I am gay, I would stick my dick into his ass... suck his dick dry if theres any left hahaha... Very handsome, tall, smart, speaks good classy english, got money, good with people... ok... I'm not gay... fark you...
Foregoing convention tuning methods is a good start. Studying and more studying on the latest technology in the market and dare to replicate the problem and be very very very accurate with your foundations is essential to all who aspire to tune this Advanced machine.
The results? Well, owner has a Piv@t Drive-by-wire mod in his car, which doesnt seem to work on this model .... this indicates the owner prefers a livelier car than a smoothy granny on a walking stick... So, tuning the drive-by-wire to open the throttle giving more response is part of the tuning plan. This caused this Lancer Ex to have tremondous amount of low end torque. With TD04 turbo installed, powerband wise... same as Jia Xiong. 200 bhp on dyno. hmm... making power is not a problem with me... Most of the time, limiting the bhp is what I do and I prefer preserving the engine. Dear subaru TS 2.5 owner... you know what I mean... hahaha... If 200 bhp is not enough... please... give me forge pistons and cons... I'll give you the power.
This ride is running on petrol Ron 95 (octane). Which means, Jia xiong, I'll retune your ride to 95 petrol if it pleases you... :) Ron 98? More torque, More power of course. It depends on you... just let me know... Ronny say 95 is good... so 95 lor... last time he pump 98... Sam ask him pump 95... save money hahahaha...
Finally, after completing tuning this ride, we had the chance to sprint 0~100 with a Sonata Taxi. hahahaha.... cb lor... in our car, (ronny went home to rest liaoz...) we have derrick-san, and his friend, me and Dr Sam... hahaha... "Lai liaoz! Lai Liaoz ! hahaha" sam said excitely as he eagerly waits for the traffic lights to turn green, like a kid yearning for sweets, and glancing at the merging lane ahead, uncertainty increases as the hands of the clock ticked by. Derrick laughing his ass off at our kiddo reaction... Sonata Taxi damn fast lor... hahaha...
Green!! Go!! Luckily, I forced the Drive-by-wire to open! The low-end till 3000 rpm, Lancer Ex is side by side with the screaming Sonata, screaming like you're squeezing the Taxi's breast.... Once the our rpm hits 3300 rpm, the turbo enters its powerband. The relentless force of the WRX turbo forces air into the engine. A surge that presses down the rear lowered springs and the RPM takes a swipe at the dashboard. Sonata taxi is 2 cars behind us, Lancer Ex's auto tranmission switches gear very quickly, gear 2 places the rpm in 3300 rpm, turbo smiles at this sweet spot, the car surges forward even faster on gear 2. We are now 5 cars in front of the Sonata Taxi. 200 horses pulling 4 pax, gear 3, we are alone. Sam is extremely happy. Ever since he got his EG9 turbo with 350 bhp, he now continues to pull to 150 km/h. Punching in the air "Yeah!! we win!! yeah!! I win TaXi ..." CB lor... we laugh till tear rolled down... deep down, the sense of achievement and the hardwork these 2 months finally paid off.... From tuning Ronny's ride, twice I wanted to give up. I almost told sam "...I give up..." But, twice in the wee hours till 5am that day, I wanted to say it... When I saw his face, I couldnt say it. He is so determined and immensed in his "work". It is the friendship that my conscience refused the words from my lips. Curses and swearing... Ronny knows... was all I had... I think Ronny can sense my frustration and hopelessness... But, the moment we went past the Sonata Taxi, the feeling of achievement, No farking cb cel code... No farking P1241 cel code... Just pure power and acceleration, smooth as butter. Please, if you're masturbating while reading this, you're normal.
I went home that evening fully charged. Sam is speechless drowning all the threories of his... hahaha... anyway... I know one la... he will still insist on his Dr Sam's theories... I can tell deep down, today, Tuner win. Let me enjoy this victory today...
Now that I made it work. With the help from good kakis that surrounds us, I now say Misubishi Lancer is one of the best ride to have. With Mivec and Drive-by-wire and a very sophisicated stock ECU in your pockets, making them work for you only makes you a formidable tuner, a tuner with a wide arsenal tools at your disposal.
Nevertheless, the most difficult cars to tune till date. Being first to successfully turbo charge a Lancer Ex without cel codes! I give Sam and me a pat on the back. Owners of the first batch of Lancer Ex turbos? orgasmic.
We put in WRX TD04 Turbo, Turbo Boost controller, HKS SSQVV BOV, HKS open pod filter, high grade stainless steel pipings, silicon hoses, big injectors, Unichip Q with turbo module, all the knowledge... hell lots of time...
2am Racing
To begin with, the Evo 10 and this particular Ex model is extremely difficult to tune. Jia xiong's the second to turbo charged his lancer Ex and Ronny's the third in sillypore.
P1241, P1234, P1235 cel codes. At times, P1233... If this rings a bell, you have most likely already modified your Mitsubishi. Either it is a HKS SSQV, vent to atmosphere BOV, or you have likely installed an aftermarket ECU like Unichip or Emanage ultimate in your ride. This irritating phenomenon is prevalent in the latest Mitsu models, particularly in the lancer Ex and the Evo 10 models.
A glance at these 2 models, we have one of the latest stock ecu in the market. Running on CAN-bus protocol, which means your ecu communicates with the sensors in your car at 500 k/bps and have a processor which is so damn powerful. If you compare this ECU to other car models like Lancer GLX or subaru 1.6 TS, those are running on 16 bits. Subaru 05 STI, 32 bit. With the increase in processing power, it can now control the car with the multitude of sensors and also control the latest version of the Drive-by-wire system. With this in mind, I now introduce a turbo into the car, what happens next is that all these freaking cel codes starts lighting up like x'mas tree... farking hell...
Probably due to economic slow down globally, Mitsubishi now installs the latest technologies available previously in high end makes into its latest range of cars. With Mivec, drive-by-wire, and stuff... they even make the ECU trigger seat belt warning beeps from the in-car stereo speakers! Even your farking 'ding' sound, which you hear in commercial air planes can be produced from the Lancer Ex!! OMG!
To a tuner, this is hell!! By now, all these P1234, P1241 and stuff... CB lor... Finally got it SOLVED!
P1241... try searching the internet. If you can find a solution, dinner on me. If you can find the meaning of this fault code and how it is triggered, 10x dinner on me... CB lor... It is so damn bad, cocky car doctor Sam sat down with me on the third day tuning this ride 'discussing' passionately about how the fault codes are triggered. Now, with day 1 tuning till 5am, day 2 tuning till 3am, day 3 till 2am ! I love 2am. I always solve it at 2 am! hahaha
Sam kept telling me how these fault codes are triggered. Bombarding me with this old man theories... omg! I can tell from his face when I told him, " If you wanna stick to your old school theories, I got nothing to say!" hahaha... he was a little pissed off hahaha... coz, he always considers himself as king of the durian cb hill, hey, talking to an Engineer from sillypore poly with donkey years of experience, hahaha... not easy.
Our next Lancer GLX turbo owner saw us 'discussing' hahaha... I can tell he is wondering how come these 2 are talking like dat... hahaha... Finally, I asked sam "OKOK! I am very tired already... Solution? Yours or mine?" ... hahaha... he say try mine. "CB lor..."
Tuning the Lancer Ex. I have had a head start. Jia Xiong has been feeding me information on how to trigger the fault codes. I am eternally grateful to him. Much more for fueling my passion for tuning, in time, I will repay his help. Ronny is equally patient lor... Ronny is a handsome chap... If I am gay, I would stick my dick into his ass... suck his dick dry if theres any left hahaha... Very handsome, tall, smart, speaks good classy english, got money, good with people... ok... I'm not gay... fark you...
Foregoing convention tuning methods is a good start. Studying and more studying on the latest technology in the market and dare to replicate the problem and be very very very accurate with your foundations is essential to all who aspire to tune this Advanced machine.
The results? Well, owner has a Piv@t Drive-by-wire mod in his car, which doesnt seem to work on this model .... this indicates the owner prefers a livelier car than a smoothy granny on a walking stick... So, tuning the drive-by-wire to open the throttle giving more response is part of the tuning plan. This caused this Lancer Ex to have tremondous amount of low end torque. With TD04 turbo installed, powerband wise... same as Jia Xiong. 200 bhp on dyno. hmm... making power is not a problem with me... Most of the time, limiting the bhp is what I do and I prefer preserving the engine. Dear subaru TS 2.5 owner... you know what I mean... hahaha... If 200 bhp is not enough... please... give me forge pistons and cons... I'll give you the power.
This ride is running on petrol Ron 95 (octane). Which means, Jia xiong, I'll retune your ride to 95 petrol if it pleases you... :) Ron 98? More torque, More power of course. It depends on you... just let me know... Ronny say 95 is good... so 95 lor... last time he pump 98... Sam ask him pump 95... save money hahahaha...
Finally, after completing tuning this ride, we had the chance to sprint 0~100 with a Sonata Taxi. hahahaha.... cb lor... in our car, (ronny went home to rest liaoz...) we have derrick-san, and his friend, me and Dr Sam... hahaha... "Lai liaoz! Lai Liaoz ! hahaha" sam said excitely as he eagerly waits for the traffic lights to turn green, like a kid yearning for sweets, and glancing at the merging lane ahead, uncertainty increases as the hands of the clock ticked by. Derrick laughing his ass off at our kiddo reaction... Sonata Taxi damn fast lor... hahaha...
Green!! Go!! Luckily, I forced the Drive-by-wire to open! The low-end till 3000 rpm, Lancer Ex is side by side with the screaming Sonata, screaming like you're squeezing the Taxi's breast.... Once the our rpm hits 3300 rpm, the turbo enters its powerband. The relentless force of the WRX turbo forces air into the engine. A surge that presses down the rear lowered springs and the RPM takes a swipe at the dashboard. Sonata taxi is 2 cars behind us, Lancer Ex's auto tranmission switches gear very quickly, gear 2 places the rpm in 3300 rpm, turbo smiles at this sweet spot, the car surges forward even faster on gear 2. We are now 5 cars in front of the Sonata Taxi. 200 horses pulling 4 pax, gear 3, we are alone. Sam is extremely happy. Ever since he got his EG9 turbo with 350 bhp, he now continues to pull to 150 km/h. Punching in the air "Yeah!! we win!! yeah!! I win TaXi ..." CB lor... we laugh till tear rolled down... deep down, the sense of achievement and the hardwork these 2 months finally paid off.... From tuning Ronny's ride, twice I wanted to give up. I almost told sam "...I give up..." But, twice in the wee hours till 5am that day, I wanted to say it... When I saw his face, I couldnt say it. He is so determined and immensed in his "work". It is the friendship that my conscience refused the words from my lips. Curses and swearing... Ronny knows... was all I had... I think Ronny can sense my frustration and hopelessness... But, the moment we went past the Sonata Taxi, the feeling of achievement, No farking cb cel code... No farking P1241 cel code... Just pure power and acceleration, smooth as butter. Please, if you're masturbating while reading this, you're normal.
I went home that evening fully charged. Sam is speechless drowning all the threories of his... hahaha... anyway... I know one la... he will still insist on his Dr Sam's theories... I can tell deep down, today, Tuner win. Let me enjoy this victory today...
Now that I made it work. With the help from good kakis that surrounds us, I now say Misubishi Lancer is one of the best ride to have. With Mivec and Drive-by-wire and a very sophisicated stock ECU in your pockets, making them work for you only makes you a formidable tuner, a tuner with a wide arsenal tools at your disposal.
Nevertheless, the most difficult cars to tune till date. Being first to successfully turbo charge a Lancer Ex without cel codes! I give Sam and me a pat on the back. Owners of the first batch of Lancer Ex turbos? orgasmic.
We put in WRX TD04 Turbo, Turbo Boost controller, HKS SSQVV BOV, HKS open pod filter, high grade stainless steel pipings, silicon hoses, big injectors, Unichip Q with turbo module, all the knowledge... hell lots of time...
2am Racing
lancer ex p1241,
p1241 cel,
p1241 cel code
Monday, March 9, 2009
Subaru TS turbo charged
Subaru TS turbo charged
Owner is a friend of Sean who owns a Subaru TS turbo as well.
The project this time is quite unique. We have Mr Car doctor getting his hands dirty putting together a Subaru 2.0 wrx engine for the owner. Sam didnt choose the easy way out, he rather strip the entire engine apart, inspect every single pin, bolt and nut and assemble them back together again. Good engine builders are hard to come by, and the moment finally came to start the engine to see if the bolt and nuts are in place.
For one, the engine idling is smoother than I imagined it to be. I am used to tuning low comp. blocks but, looking at the smoothness of the engine, I can't help but to admit this Sam is good with his hands. I remembered him rubbing the steering wheel and commenting how rough the steering wheel felt in his hands, he kept the back forth movement of his hands, palms rubbing and making a swoosh swoosh sound as he stroke suggestively while looking at me with that dirty smile on his face,... hahaha...
This is a well built engine. Inside the engine bay, we have unichip Q plus, with some of unichip drivers that came along with it, walboro fuel pumps, wrx injectors, the sam-built 2.0 wrx engine block, top mount intercooler, TF035 forester turbo, a string of metallic valves which serves the purpose of controlling boost, a straight through exhaust, meters and many more.
How much did we boost on this car? Well,...high enough to max out the injectors... :) any higher, you can almost be sure the engine will lean out.
While trying to increase the boost, though I have a rough idea of how these metallic aquarium tank valves should work, I have no clue as to how a series of valves stringed together back to back can serve the purpose of controlling boost. Of course, with boost controlled in this manner, it is lesser accurate than an electronic boost controller and it also lacks the finer details of controlling wastegate opening time and stuff which is inbuilt in almost all electronic boost controllers.
Initially we didnt know how to increase the boost... we tried a few times but nothing happened... finally, something Sam did to those valves seemed to be working... the boost started to increase past 0.5 bars for once.... the excitement is back when we resumed tuning the ride.
When I asked sam how these aquarium valves worked in controlling boost, he started to illustrate by showing me with his fingers, how he pull this and connect to that, then turn that and then connect to this and left that alone and stuff... I looked blankly at him which seems to amuse him alot... Though I didnt like the sound of it, it seems to be able to increase boost like a normal controller, but lacks all the finer features which can prove fomidable in a race. I told him, I dunno what the fark he was saying la... He didnt bother to try explaining again, rather, his eyes widen and that smile of his and the way his eyes disects your confused espression, enjoying every bit of superiority in his knowledge,.. oh... I just turned away, mumbled profanity some under my breath and continued tuning the ride...
2 litre low compression engine plus a TF035 turbo. The result? Exactly the same as a stock subaru 2.0 forester. To the owner who was already enjoying his previous setup a 1.6 turbo, he seems to like the way the stock forester turbo felt. After owner test drove his car... he thumbs up to us, smiling widely at the result. He commented on how smooth the car felt. Especially on boost, the car felt fast and very very smooth. Hmm... he seems to like it very much... I then proceed to advise him to change this and that to make it even better ...hahaha
for one, he can use a bigger turbo... then racing clutch, then, better cables... powervalve... front mount intercooler... kekeke... endless list la...
Overall, if you know how the stock forester felt, ... you will know how this ride feels... Of course, to some, like myself... I would upgrade the TF035 to maybe VF34 or something...kekeke... anyway... to each his own. Oh, if you do not like the looks of the subaru forester and wished that your TS felt like it... we can do it this way too... if you ask me, well,... I prefer STi hahahaha.... yah,... so get STI engine lor... hahaha
drive safe! enjoy!
Owner is a friend of Sean who owns a Subaru TS turbo as well.
The project this time is quite unique. We have Mr Car doctor getting his hands dirty putting together a Subaru 2.0 wrx engine for the owner. Sam didnt choose the easy way out, he rather strip the entire engine apart, inspect every single pin, bolt and nut and assemble them back together again. Good engine builders are hard to come by, and the moment finally came to start the engine to see if the bolt and nuts are in place.
For one, the engine idling is smoother than I imagined it to be. I am used to tuning low comp. blocks but, looking at the smoothness of the engine, I can't help but to admit this Sam is good with his hands. I remembered him rubbing the steering wheel and commenting how rough the steering wheel felt in his hands, he kept the back forth movement of his hands, palms rubbing and making a swoosh swoosh sound as he stroke suggestively while looking at me with that dirty smile on his face,... hahaha...
This is a well built engine. Inside the engine bay, we have unichip Q plus, with some of unichip drivers that came along with it, walboro fuel pumps, wrx injectors, the sam-built 2.0 wrx engine block, top mount intercooler, TF035 forester turbo, a string of metallic valves which serves the purpose of controlling boost, a straight through exhaust, meters and many more.
How much did we boost on this car? Well,...high enough to max out the injectors... :) any higher, you can almost be sure the engine will lean out.
While trying to increase the boost, though I have a rough idea of how these metallic aquarium tank valves should work, I have no clue as to how a series of valves stringed together back to back can serve the purpose of controlling boost. Of course, with boost controlled in this manner, it is lesser accurate than an electronic boost controller and it also lacks the finer details of controlling wastegate opening time and stuff which is inbuilt in almost all electronic boost controllers.
Initially we didnt know how to increase the boost... we tried a few times but nothing happened... finally, something Sam did to those valves seemed to be working... the boost started to increase past 0.5 bars for once.... the excitement is back when we resumed tuning the ride.
When I asked sam how these aquarium valves worked in controlling boost, he started to illustrate by showing me with his fingers, how he pull this and connect to that, then turn that and then connect to this and left that alone and stuff... I looked blankly at him which seems to amuse him alot... Though I didnt like the sound of it, it seems to be able to increase boost like a normal controller, but lacks all the finer features which can prove fomidable in a race. I told him, I dunno what the fark he was saying la... He didnt bother to try explaining again, rather, his eyes widen and that smile of his and the way his eyes disects your confused espression, enjoying every bit of superiority in his knowledge,.. oh... I just turned away, mumbled profanity some under my breath and continued tuning the ride...
2 litre low compression engine plus a TF035 turbo. The result? Exactly the same as a stock subaru 2.0 forester. To the owner who was already enjoying his previous setup a 1.6 turbo, he seems to like the way the stock forester turbo felt. After owner test drove his car... he thumbs up to us, smiling widely at the result. He commented on how smooth the car felt. Especially on boost, the car felt fast and very very smooth. Hmm... he seems to like it very much... I then proceed to advise him to change this and that to make it even better ...hahaha
for one, he can use a bigger turbo... then racing clutch, then, better cables... powervalve... front mount intercooler... kekeke... endless list la...
Overall, if you know how the stock forester felt, ... you will know how this ride feels... Of course, to some, like myself... I would upgrade the TF035 to maybe VF34 or something...kekeke... anyway... to each his own. Oh, if you do not like the looks of the subaru forester and wished that your TS felt like it... we can do it this way too... if you ask me, well,... I prefer STi hahahaha.... yah,... so get STI engine lor... hahaha
drive safe! enjoy!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Ben's Subaru wrx Auto with vf28 Turbo
Ben's Subaru wrx Auto with vf28 Turbo
VF28 is one of my fravourite turbo. Ben is a car person, the way he pampers his car... omg... if the car has feelings, she will wet herself dry,.. hahaha
For Ben, he consistently make comparison of his car against a sonata taxi. A tinge of insult for me of course... Basically, Ben came to us through Kevin's recommendation, Kevin called me up to persuade me to blow Ben's engine... hahaha... Then I conveyed this to Ben and told him that I am going to blow his rex... hahaha
Knn lor... Ben was like cursing and swearing with Kevin beside him lor... hahaha...
Ben likes to describe how a sonata taxi would accelerate off traffic, using his palms as illustration of how quickly the taxi would run, then how powerful the taxi would be... I kept asking him to stop comparing his WRX to a taxi.
Ben's ride comes with HKS evc boost controller, 3" full exhaust system, slowered suspensions, STi interior which makes the cabin feel like a 747, Defi meters with genome control unit, Varis CV bonnet, and many many more...
This is an Automatic transmission ride and in the past, he was using TD05-18G turbo, tuned by B#Nn#
Ben is the owner of Uncle Leong's restraunt in Ang mo kio. Omg, we had one of the best butter crabs ever! I tried Meh ben last time, and used to frequent that place... but, I think Ben's shop is 100 times better la... The meat of the crab is cooked Just nice! Not soggy and not too hard, just chewy and sweet, when your molar crushes the crab's tender meat, the buttery juices from within flows unto your taste buds, releasing some of the wonderous flavours of creamy smooth buttery taste with a tinge of mushrooms, coupled with the flavours of fresh live sri lankan crabs. Oh! The fatique and stress of the day melted away, the effects of a wonderful dinner after a day's work is beyond words.
A bowl of crab eggs was placed beside, showing the craftmanship of the chef who prepared it. I ate them with a slight guilt, knowing well the effect of cholestrol, I devoured the crab eggs nevertheless... kekeke... eat first, think later...
Sam has never tried this before. I insisted on trying the Beehoon soup with crab... No regrets!
Beside's the world best dinner, Ben's hospitality is so good, we felt a compulsion to do even better and demostrate it with his car... hahaha...
Sam tested Ben's wrx brakes, something which he never do... soemthing which endangers his life... on a rainy day, he slammed hard on the brakes, memorizing the distance at which the car stops is crucial and can prove useful on track days which its raining.
Ben's car now feels much lighter, with better fuel consumption and much more low torque, I hope he can now compare his car to a more worthy ride. Boost is 1.8 bars on stock internals. For a multitude of reason, this is still safe. Well, you can expect lower boost level in certain senarios. To keep the technicalities outside our blog, you need to talk to Sam who is on reservist this week to know more...
Many a time, I would type a lengthy article on intercooler effects, turbo comrpessor maps, engine temperature, how to blow which component and stuff... Only to end up deleting it. I thought about it, and it is like your bosses in your day job, asking you this and that... Asking you stupid questions, why do this and why you did that... Reluctant as you are trying to describe or explain your actions, knowing thats it is plain simple and obvious (to you at least) and cursing and swearing why being your boss, he do not know such simple things.... The reluctance to explain is similar to mine...
I leave the explaining of technicalities to sam... since it is his job... mine is a passion and I plan to keep it that way.
I tune the cars like I would to mine. Ben's ride is on the conservative side... 1.8 bars, conservative? hahaha... If I own his ride... I would do it that way, while retaining everything else,... and yet nice to drive around... Ben knows.
Overall, I enjoyed the dinner, the company and it was an excellent way to spend the evening... think will call Ben later... hahaha... persuade him to upgrade his intercooler... then go his shop with sam to makan... He gives us discount... hahaha... forcing an indirect obligation to return the discount from sam.
Oh, this ride is a perfect street racing machine now! forget sonata taxi,... hahaha... Its a Subaru WRX!!
coming soon:
Sam rebuilts Subaru TS with 2.0 engine Turbo
VF28 is one of my fravourite turbo. Ben is a car person, the way he pampers his car... omg... if the car has feelings, she will wet herself dry,.. hahaha
For Ben, he consistently make comparison of his car against a sonata taxi. A tinge of insult for me of course... Basically, Ben came to us through Kevin's recommendation, Kevin called me up to persuade me to blow Ben's engine... hahaha... Then I conveyed this to Ben and told him that I am going to blow his rex... hahaha
Knn lor... Ben was like cursing and swearing with Kevin beside him lor... hahaha...
Ben likes to describe how a sonata taxi would accelerate off traffic, using his palms as illustration of how quickly the taxi would run, then how powerful the taxi would be... I kept asking him to stop comparing his WRX to a taxi.
Ben's ride comes with HKS evc boost controller, 3" full exhaust system, slowered suspensions, STi interior which makes the cabin feel like a 747, Defi meters with genome control unit, Varis CV bonnet, and many many more...
This is an Automatic transmission ride and in the past, he was using TD05-18G turbo, tuned by B#Nn#
Ben is the owner of Uncle Leong's restraunt in Ang mo kio. Omg, we had one of the best butter crabs ever! I tried Meh ben last time, and used to frequent that place... but, I think Ben's shop is 100 times better la... The meat of the crab is cooked Just nice! Not soggy and not too hard, just chewy and sweet, when your molar crushes the crab's tender meat, the buttery juices from within flows unto your taste buds, releasing some of the wonderous flavours of creamy smooth buttery taste with a tinge of mushrooms, coupled with the flavours of fresh live sri lankan crabs. Oh! The fatique and stress of the day melted away, the effects of a wonderful dinner after a day's work is beyond words.
A bowl of crab eggs was placed beside, showing the craftmanship of the chef who prepared it. I ate them with a slight guilt, knowing well the effect of cholestrol, I devoured the crab eggs nevertheless... kekeke... eat first, think later...
Sam has never tried this before. I insisted on trying the Beehoon soup with crab... No regrets!
Beside's the world best dinner, Ben's hospitality is so good, we felt a compulsion to do even better and demostrate it with his car... hahaha...
Sam tested Ben's wrx brakes, something which he never do... soemthing which endangers his life... on a rainy day, he slammed hard on the brakes, memorizing the distance at which the car stops is crucial and can prove useful on track days which its raining.
Ben's car now feels much lighter, with better fuel consumption and much more low torque, I hope he can now compare his car to a more worthy ride. Boost is 1.8 bars on stock internals. For a multitude of reason, this is still safe. Well, you can expect lower boost level in certain senarios. To keep the technicalities outside our blog, you need to talk to Sam who is on reservist this week to know more...
Many a time, I would type a lengthy article on intercooler effects, turbo comrpessor maps, engine temperature, how to blow which component and stuff... Only to end up deleting it. I thought about it, and it is like your bosses in your day job, asking you this and that... Asking you stupid questions, why do this and why you did that... Reluctant as you are trying to describe or explain your actions, knowing thats it is plain simple and obvious (to you at least) and cursing and swearing why being your boss, he do not know such simple things.... The reluctance to explain is similar to mine...
I leave the explaining of technicalities to sam... since it is his job... mine is a passion and I plan to keep it that way.
I tune the cars like I would to mine. Ben's ride is on the conservative side... 1.8 bars, conservative? hahaha... If I own his ride... I would do it that way, while retaining everything else,... and yet nice to drive around... Ben knows.
Overall, I enjoyed the dinner, the company and it was an excellent way to spend the evening... think will call Ben later... hahaha... persuade him to upgrade his intercooler... then go his shop with sam to makan... He gives us discount... hahaha... forcing an indirect obligation to return the discount from sam.
Oh, this ride is a perfect street racing machine now! forget sonata taxi,... hahaha... Its a Subaru WRX!!
coming soon:
Sam rebuilts Subaru TS with 2.0 engine Turbo
Monday, March 2, 2009
Edwin's Subaru TS 1.5 turbo charged
Edwin's Subaru TS 1.5 turbo charged

Subaru TS 1.5 prides a sleek and sporty interior, meter cluster has a cool opening ceremony where the hands on the dashboard swings in orchestric rythem, previously only found in the STi models, now found in the TS. How I wished mine was like that. The Rev limiter has also been raised to 6500 rpm, subaru also adobted the ACVS technology from the STi giving this EL15 engine a new life. With a turbo charger installed, the variable cams which prides inself in smooth idling and efficient low end with higher horsepower on high end, allows the use of a bigger turbo to further exploit this technology and the potential to double the horsepower than before.
The suspensions and comfort level in this TS surpasses those of its predecessors. After tuning this ride, I found my car damn noisy and old. I gives my the thought of buying the new TS and installing all my existing hardware inside... kekeke....

Garret TD04 turbo, something we took out from the WRX churns out notable power at around 3500~4000 rpm, this coupled with AVCS, produces an impressive 200 bhp on engine. Bearing in mind, we are conservative in our tuning and setup, so much so, you can almost be sure that this car can produce much more than 200, but, what we had in mind, is to produce 200 of reliable horsepower, preserving everything else, and allow the owner to further modify the car without damaging anything. Our preference is to preserve the hardware and upgrade them progressively, such that the 270 targetted horsepower for example, is something achieve over a period of time. Instead of 270 on day 1, and replacing damage parts along the way... thats how we look at things...
Car runs with factory quality idling, stock exhaust system which will be upgraded to powervalve exhaust later on, big injectors, Garret TD04 turbo, boost controller and controlled using emanage blue.
Edwin was with us, seeing the entire process involved from troubleshooting to completion. There was nothing interesting to Sam and myself, since we have already done it before... For Edwin, it is at times exciting, and at times shocking... Ed... you know what I mean... kekekeke...
Ok,... Owner came back from test drive... hahaha... having experience 100 bhp since day 1 on his TS, and now, with 200 bhp on this ride, all smiling, he is very happy with the results. After all, this is a 1.5L TS, with stock sounding exhuast, the only thing that betrays the turbo charger is the induction sound produced by the HKS filter
during harsh driving. Otherwise, this ride looks and sounds stock. Very discrete except for the power during overtaking senarios and stuff, this 1.5L is a fabulous ride with the turbo charger installed.
Sam was contemplating between using Unichip Q and emanage blue,... he finally decided to use emanage blue... well, to me, not much difference whether it is Q or blue... though both uses different technique to tune, I am familiar with both...
The day came to a close with fatique all over... but the smile from the owner and all the stupid jokes to keep us occupied through the day, keep us awake and going. Fun as it was, we still need to rest,... Till we meet again,... Bid each other goodbye and left for home satisfied with the evening's results.
This setup is ideal for people who prefers good fuel consumption, power only when you need it. Turbo kick in only when I step hard on the gas. Pickup wise is slightly better than stock since during normal driving, we still keep the fuel consumption in check. Good for 30 lamp post drag race.
Subaru TS 1.5 prides a sleek and sporty interior, meter cluster has a cool opening ceremony where the hands on the dashboard swings in orchestric rythem, previously only found in the STi models, now found in the TS. How I wished mine was like that. The Rev limiter has also been raised to 6500 rpm, subaru also adobted the ACVS technology from the STi giving this EL15 engine a new life. With a turbo charger installed, the variable cams which prides inself in smooth idling and efficient low end with higher horsepower on high end, allows the use of a bigger turbo to further exploit this technology and the potential to double the horsepower than before.
The suspensions and comfort level in this TS surpasses those of its predecessors. After tuning this ride, I found my car damn noisy and old. I gives my the thought of buying the new TS and installing all my existing hardware inside... kekeke....
Garret TD04 turbo, something we took out from the WRX churns out notable power at around 3500~4000 rpm, this coupled with AVCS, produces an impressive 200 bhp on engine. Bearing in mind, we are conservative in our tuning and setup, so much so, you can almost be sure that this car can produce much more than 200, but, what we had in mind, is to produce 200 of reliable horsepower, preserving everything else, and allow the owner to further modify the car without damaging anything. Our preference is to preserve the hardware and upgrade them progressively, such that the 270 targetted horsepower for example, is something achieve over a period of time. Instead of 270 on day 1, and replacing damage parts along the way... thats how we look at things...
Car runs with factory quality idling, stock exhaust system which will be upgraded to powervalve exhaust later on, big injectors, Garret TD04 turbo, boost controller and controlled using emanage blue.
Edwin was with us, seeing the entire process involved from troubleshooting to completion. There was nothing interesting to Sam and myself, since we have already done it before... For Edwin, it is at times exciting, and at times shocking... Ed... you know what I mean... kekekeke...
Ok,... Owner came back from test drive... hahaha... having experience 100 bhp since day 1 on his TS, and now, with 200 bhp on this ride, all smiling, he is very happy with the results. After all, this is a 1.5L TS, with stock sounding exhuast, the only thing that betrays the turbo charger is the induction sound produced by the HKS filter
Sam was contemplating between using Unichip Q and emanage blue,... he finally decided to use emanage blue... well, to me, not much difference whether it is Q or blue... though both uses different technique to tune, I am familiar with both...
The day came to a close with fatique all over... but the smile from the owner and all the stupid jokes to keep us occupied through the day, keep us awake and going. Fun as it was, we still need to rest,... Till we meet again,... Bid each other goodbye and left for home satisfied with the evening's results.
This setup is ideal for people who prefers good fuel consumption, power only when you need it. Turbo kick in only when I step hard on the gas. Pickup wise is slightly better than stock since during normal driving, we still keep the fuel consumption in check. Good for 30 lamp post drag race.
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