Monday, September 20, 2010

Brake Fluid Tests

One of the ride we tested so far failed the brake fluid tests, at 184 degrees celcius, the brakes are not funtioning as per normal, rather than going for steel braided hoses or changing the brake pads, our brake fluid tester would help you identify the actual reason why the brakes are failing.

This week, we brought in a machine which bleeds and replace the entire brake fluid system with completely fresh brake fluid, and no more pumping of the brake pedals and still stand the risk of having air bubbles in the brake fluid system. The cost of having this machine is 4500, but we believe it will pay off on the long run.

The brake fluid machine runs via pressure and completely flushes the entire system of old brake fluid and replaces it with new fresh brake fluid.

OWS Dot 4 brake fluid costs $23.95 per litre and the average car carries 2 litres. If you're regularly relacing only 1 litre, think again, the other 1 litre is still in the system and not extracted.

see you soon...

2am Racing

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